
We are the world’s leading authorised distributor of electronic component like connectors, passives, electromechanical devices, etc. The devices we deal in are distributed to various fields like industries, aerospace, military and consumer electronics. We have an extensive range of product line which includes capacitors, discrete, wire and cable, identification products, electromagnetic devices, resistors, connectors, potentiometers, magnetic and circuit protection components, wire management and application tools.

Inventory Managing Techniques To Save you Money

To accomplish what we have done so far, is by no means an easy feat. It required a tremendous degree of hard-work, as well as the ability to quickly adapt to changes.

  • We have always tried to accomplish three major goals to proper distribution service:
  • Through continuous improvement, trying to exceed the internal and external requirement of customer
  • By delivering the parts at the right time, trying to be the most preferred electronic distributor for both suppliers and customer.
  • Providing option with those who are dedicated, hardworking, knowledgeable and ethical towards the company.

Managing a whole structure and policies without any aid is next to impossible nowadays due to the vast customer, supplier and manufacturer network. So for proper administration and management, we implemented a software solution to make the work easy and error free. These software solutions are not only reliable but also cost effective needing fewer efforts and manpower as compared to doing manually. Following are some of the software solutions implemented by us to handle the management woes:


  • Robust stock management solutions
  • Product tracking solutions
  • Head office control solutions
  • Point of sale solutions
  • Inventory management solutions.

Benefits of implementing software solutions

  • Implementing software solution has played an important role in the growth of the company by providing easy management solutions. Following are a few of the benefits:
  • Gaining efficiency – Helped in speeding up the operation decision by making a single platform for POS and back office management
  • Taking control of inventory – helped in reducing the cost of store and warehouse inventory and improving store management
  • Becoming more agile – As it is very flexible. So, changes according to the market requirement.
  • Financial process streamlined – Helped in saving lots of time and money by reducing the time from 1 week to 1 day.
  • Net ROI profit

Due to centralised delivery and stock management system, providing accurate information to customers.

Apart from all these, software solutions also provide an easy and quick access to customer purchasing history, allowing the sales representative to give personalised service quickly and efficiently which increases the chances of cross-selling and up-selling.

Warranty lookup and billing are also made easy by software solutions, provided by software developers like Wondersoft, Intellectsoft, etc. Now products can also be tracked using general product description, barcodes or other descriptive identifiers.

The site of a leading electronics-oriented magazine,, recently mentioned that software solutions had played a very important role in the growth of many electronics retail companies by taking over half of their work, thereby making their work easy.

So if you are planning for implementing a software solution for your inventory management or distribution, then we can say you are doing the right thing!

Read Also : Electromagnetic Relay – Its Working And Types

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